UFO Magazine (UK)
Alien Investigator
McX Files
UFO Scotland
Mammoth UFO Book
Alien Investigator
UFOs over Scotland
Magazine articles
Alien Investigator
SPI Hoax Statement
HS Statement
SPI Analysis
The investigators
Malcom Robinson 'Fife'
Incident statement
Over the many years that I have been
acquainted with the UFO phenomenon, I have never had the opportunity to investigate for
myself just how accurate UFO reports and articles are, whether they appear in Magazines,
newspapers or those reports direct from the investigators themselves. However an event
took place in Fife which gave me the opportunity to analyse reports and articles combined
with an on the spot, independant investigation of my own.
I have been interested in the UFO phenomenon since 1974 after sighting a UFO. Since then I
have read all the now legendary' books on the subject. I'll say here and now that I
am not a UFO expert or researcher because I'm not, I've just maintained a close interest
as the years have passed. As a former member of the UK armed forces I have always kept a
low profile as far as this subject is concerned, but I sensed an opportunity here to find
answers to some questions which had vexed me for many years.
The incident that I refer to, of course, is that of the alleged landing of a flying
triangular object (FT) near Newton of Falkland on the evening of Monday 23rd September
1996. On initial reading in the UFO Magazine (UK) Jan/Feb 97 Edition, I was sceptical to
say the least, but I ascertained the location of the incident and over the next year I
visited the area on many occasions, taking photographs and video footage of the area in
question. I also obtained other articles on the landing, again as with the UFO Magazine
article, by investigators who had been there and talked to the witnesses. (Dave Colman of
SUPR, from his article in Cover-up' and another from SIGHTINGS magazine by SPI's Malcolm
Robinson) It is these reports that I wish to deal with in this website rather than
the incident itself. After all, I am no nearer establishing, with any certainty, whether
or not a large FT alighted at the foot of the Lomond Hills with its attendant alien
creatures over a period of at least four hours.
However, what I can say with a very great degree of certainty, is
that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that this incident investigation
has been handled and subsequently reported. Which of course leads to some more basic and
equally fundamental questions as to the quality and accuracy standards of some researchers
within the UFO research community. |